Charts - Graphs

MPC/HB provides a wide variety of information to the developer. Select an example from the list below.


Project Timing

Refer to "Data Input Screens", "Project Timing" for a description of the events involved in setting up the Program Calendar from Project inception to commencement of Off-Site Development.

Key Timing Inputs for the MPC/HB Program are made in an AIR that runs in Section 3 of Program Setup. They are:

  • Project Start Date
  • Negotiation Period for Land Purchase
  • Months to prepare for Land Purchase Closing
  • Months for Planning & Zoning (“P&Z”) approvals 
  • Land Close: Before or After P&Z completed 
  • Months for Off-Site Development work 
  • Delay in start of On-Site work after completion of Off-Site work 
  • Delay (after On-Site completion) in Production Units construction starts 
  • Monthly Gap between Unit Type Starts 
  • Land Parcels On-Site Development starts “spread” in months apart

In this chart, the conclusion of the Planning & Zoning process (the obtaining of Project approvals) triggers the Land Closing (Land Closing Date) which is the event precedent to commencement of Off-site Development (Off-site Devel Period).

These inputs are made in the AIR contained in Section 3 of Program Setup.